Symposium Microbiome: From Benchtop to Bedside

We are excited to announce the third edition of the International Symposium ‘Microbiome: From Benchtop to Bedside,’ which will take place on November 26th at the KAVA Congrescentrum in Antwerp, Belgium.

di, 26/11/2024 - 08:30
KAVA Congrescentrum, Consciencestraat 41, 2018 Antwerpen

We are excited to announce the third edition of the International Symposium ‘Microbiome: From Benchtop to Bedside,’ which will take place on November 26th at the KAVA Congrescentrum in Antwerp, Belgium.

This symposium aims to bring together researchers, clinicians, and industrial partners to catalyze the translation of novel scientific insights in the microbiome field into clinical applications. Building on the success of our 2022 and 2023 symposia, which hosted around 150 participants each year, we are continuing to expand our international reach with invited speakers and participants from around the world.

The symposium will feature sessions about Microbiome & General Health (1), Disease (2) and Applications and Regulations (3).

Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details on the agenda and registration. We look forward to your participation in this pivotal event in the microbiome research community.

Warm wishes on behalf of the organizing committee,

Dr. Camille Allonsius

Prof. Dr. Thomas Demuyser

Dr. Ludovica Marinelli

Preliminary Programme


09:00-09:30: Registration & coffee 

09:30-12:00 Morning Session Microbiome and general health

09:30: Keynote Kaija-Leena Kolho (University of Helsinki and HUS, Finland)

10:00: Irina Spacova (UAntwerpen, Belgium) 

10:30: The French Gut (MetaGenoPoliS-INRAE, Jouy-en-Josas, France)

11:00: Discussion  - Panel Member: Nele Brusselaers


11:30: Best abstract award presented by ESGHAMI

11:45: Promo talk

12:00-13:00: Lunch & poster session  


13:00-15:00 Lunch Session Microbiome and disease

13:00: Amandine Everard (UCLouvain, Belgium)

13:30: Shari Mackens (UZ Brussel / VUB, Belgium)

14:00: Nicolas Benech (CHU Lyon, France)

14:30: Discussion  


15:00: Promo talk 

15:15: Coffee


15:30-17:00 Afternoon Session Microbiome applications and regulations

15:30: Rosanna Pecere (IPA Europe, Belgium)

16:00: Céline Druart (Pharmabiotic Research Institute, Belgium)

16:30: Ingmar Claes (Yun Probiotics, Belgium)

17:00: Discussion  


17:30: Closing words

17:40: Reception & poster session

Practical information


Do not hesitate to contact us via events [at] uza [dot] be.