Knowledge sharing to improve NEN patient care is an important focus of 'NETwerk'. The NEN field is evolving rapidly with new treatment algorithms and guidelines, novel clinical studies and interesting research.
We would like to keep you up to date on the latest discoveries, while refreshing some basic concepts in 4 webinars (1 hour each).
You can choose to register for selected topics or attend all four webinars for an exhaustive overview of current NEN knowledge. Registration is free, but obligatory.
Accreditation has been requested.
These webinars are realized with the financial support of Ipsen.
15/09/2020 // 19.00-20.00
The (clinical) basics of NEN - prof. dr. Ann Driessen
1/10/2020 // 19.00-20.00
Diagnostic & staging tools in NEN - dr. Marc Simoens
29/10/2020 // 19.00-20.00
Therapy of NEN: today and in the future - dr. Timon Vandamme
3/12/2020 // 19.00-20.30
NEN and NETwerk: a patient perspective - Dirk Van Genechten
Case discussion with a panel and Q&A - prof. dr. Marc Peeters & dr. Willem Lybaert